

Faculty Advisor:
A faculty advisor is a full-time member of the Sociology Department who will answer any questions about your major and guide you through the process of selecting and registering for courses. Your advisor will also help you to navigate the academic requirements to graduate on time from Montclair State University and alert you about missing requirements. They are an invaluable resource you should consult to get the best out of your academic experience.
Find out who your Faculty Advisor is:
All Sociology Majors have an advisor. Login into NEST and check your Degree Works to find out their advisor’s name. Contact the Sociology Department at or 973-655-5263 or visit us in Dickson 304 if you need help finding yours.
Do your own academic planning, and stay in contact with your Advisor:
Review the Requirements of the Sociology Major regularly, along with your Degree Works on NEST to check your progress. You can also refer to the Sociology 4-Year Plan to help you decide when to take the courses. If you are a Sociology Major seeking a Teacher’s Certification, use this page to find your requirements.
Check your faculty advisor’s office hours and visit them or reach them by email to discuss your plans. If your schedule conflicts with your advisor’s office hours, call them for an appointment. Meeting your advisor regularly will keep you on track about your academic progress and requirements. Always review your Degree Works on NEST before you come to your appointment.
If you are a transfer student:
New transfer students should begin by reviewing this checklist and completing any necessary steps.

Some of the credits that you had transferred into Montclair State may have been brought in as “Free Elective” credits. It is possible these courses can count for credit toward the Sociology Major. These credits might be labeled as requiring “departmental approval.” Ask your faculty advisor to guide you through the process of applying those credits to electives in the major. Note that you cannot use courses from other colleges to count as required courses toward the major.

In case you want to change your faculty advisor:
If you feel you need to change your advisor, please contact us at or 973-655-5263 or visit us in Dickson 304